Product & Delivery Management

Numbers of task and methodology is used in the development of a single project. It is teamwork of many people when a single project is delivered to the final product or service. To manage variety and responsibility, from starch to end. Our Project and service manager will help you to deliver by accurate deadlines.

Project Delivery and management service at HyraxWeb.
  • Managers integrate skills and capabilities from across the organization, and supply chain, to deliver projects and services to clients across the country.
  • Help and support delivery with a huge range of services and expert skills.
  • We are managing different types of project delivery and management services such as commercial clients, governments, national organizations, eCommerce businesses, and so on…
  • Our services are focused on projects we are handling using agile techniques, integration contracts, business transformation, and many more.
  • The phase of project life is fast and the involvement of the manager is end-to-end in delivering success till the project goes live.
  • We believe in delivering our project in the winning phase by providing mobilizing and contributing to guiding you for future follow on opportunities.

At HyraxWeb, we have a process by which we deliver our client project.

  • Initiation/ Requirement gathering:
  • Our first step is to understand the specific business need of our clients so that we can identify what their goal is and how our project or service can help them achieve them. This step also involves brainstorming ways to fix any identified problems so that we can meet the business need. We also determine whether everything is feasible at this stage and prepare a document/statement of work that lists every requirement.

  • Planning:
  • After the project is approved, we move into the planning phase. During this phase, we break down the larger project into smaller tasks, define estimated dates of completion for each task, and make sure each task is achievable within the timeframe.

  • Execution:
  • This is where actual development takes place - teams of developers work together to complete assigned project modules/features in a way that meets the timeframe and maintains code quality. Unit tests and functional tests are performed by each developer after completing the module, to minimize issues. After the module is completed, QA teams conduct manual and automation testing.

  • Completion:
  • In this phase, we provide final deliverables, release project resources, and determine the success of the project. We do analyse the project and team's performance in this phase, and we also offer support free of cost for 2 months after project completion. This allows us to make sure that you are satisfied with our work and that the project was a success!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are Project Delivery and Management Services at HyraxWeb?
  2. Project Delivery and management services refer to the wide–range process of carrying out and completing projects such as the Planning, Details, and requirement gathering till the end of project completion along with client satisfaction. It requires a lot of accuracy and experience for providing such kinds of services to others.

  3. What is the difference between project management and project delivery?
  4. Project management services include the role of creating ideas into reality by interacting and assigning different development roles to various team members for results. The project Delivery manager’s services are concerned with client satisfaction and more closely work with clients for their concerns and all.

  5. Why do we hire Project delivery and management service at HyraxWeb?
  6. The main reason to hire project delivery and management service is that it reduces risk and improves attaining project cost, quality, and schedule goals along with client satisfaction.


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